Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery

What is Bariatric Surgery ? What is Weight Loss Surgery for Obesity ?

  • Bariatric surgery (or weight loss surgery) includes a variety of procedures performed on people who have obesity. Bariatric surgery helps you to lose weight by making changes to your digestive system. Most of the surgeries are now done laparoscopically through tiny incisions.

Bariatric surgery is probably the most effective intervention for weight loss we have in health care.

  • Some types of bariatric surgeries like Sleeve Gastrectomy make your stomach smaller, allowing you to eat and drink less at one time and making you feel full sooner.
  • Other bariatric surgeries like Roux en Y gastric Bypass, Mini Gastric Bypass ( MGB )also change your small intestine —the part of your body that absorbs calories and nutrients from foods and beverages.
  • Bariatric surgery may be an option if you have severe obesity and have not been able to lose weight or keep from gaining back any weight you lost using other methods such as lifestyle treatment or medications.
  • Bariatric surgery also may be an option if you have serious health problems, such as Type 2 diabetes , Sleep Apnea, Osteoarthritis , Cardiovascular(Heart) problems & many others like PCOD, Infertility, related to obesity.
  • Bariatric surgery can resolve / improve many of the medical conditions linked to obesity, especially type 2 diabetes. Long-term studies show the procedures cause significant long-term loss of weight, recovery from diabetes, improvement in cardiovascular risk factors, and a mortality reduction from 40% to 23%.
  • Bariatric surgery, regardless of the method used, is also much safer nowadays than it was even a decade ago.
  • The harsh reality is that the fatter you are, the slimmer your chances of having a normal life and good health.
  • So why not find out about bariatric surgery today at one of the top & Best Bariatric Surgeon team of Dr Dharmesh Dhanani & Dr Chintan B Patel at Center for Bariatric Surgery & Weight Loss , Kiran Hospital, Surat , Gujarat , India?

Freedom From Obesity & Bariatric Support Group Meeting:

Celebrating Weight Loss - 15th August 2018

  • held at Kiran Multi Super Speciality Hospital & Research Center, Surat, Gujarat, India Our Center for Weight Loss & Bariatric Surgery is truly dedicated and committed to provide long term Weight Loss Solutions to our Patients by Bariatric Surgery(Weight Loss Surgery)

Center For Weight Loss & Bariatric Surgery, Kiran Hospital, Surat

  • One of the leading centers for Bariatric Surgery in India for Long term Weight Loss Solutions for Severe & Morbid Obesity.

Highly Skilled Experienced & Pioneer Team Of Experts

Dr. Dharmesh Dhanani & Dr. Chintan B Patel.

  • State of the art & Highest Quality Infrastructure & Technology.
  • Highest safety standards & International Protocols.
  • Comprehensive Weight Loss Solutions & Follow ups for Best Outcomes.
  • One of the best bariatric surgery hospital care available in India.

Myths & Facts | Side Effects | Safety | Best Bariatric Surgeon - Gujarat | Ahmedabad | Surat | Mumbai | India

Kiran Hospital is now one of the first hospitals from India to get appreciated for World Class Healthcare services in field of Bariatric Surgery for Weight Loss by being featured in Bariatric times , USA.

  • Bariatric Times, a peer-reviewed internationally acclaimed journal from Pennsylvania, USA on bariatric trends and developments, the latest clinical and research findings, and current developments in all aspects of products and services utilized in the treatment of obesity and metabolic disorders for best outcomes.
  • Surat's Iconic & top hospitals of India - Kiran Multi Super Speciality Hospital, Surat, Gujarat , India is One of the Best Bariatric Surgeon team and top bariatric Hospital in India , Gujarat, Surat & Center truly dedicated and committed to provide long term Weight Loss Solutions to our Patients by Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery)

Why Center for Weight Loss & Bariatric Surgery , Kiran Hospital , Surat ?

  • Highest Safety Standards
  • High volume center
  • State of the art & Highest Quality Infrastructure & Technology
  • International Protocols
  • Comprehensive Weight Loss Solutions & Follow ups for Best Outcomes
  • Lowest complication rates
  • Almost painless & Faster recovery
  • 24 x 7 Dedicated Full time Super Specialist Team
  • Best Weight loss programs available with different types of bariatric surgery - Excellent Follow up & regular Bariatric support group meetings
  • Bariatric dietitian and nutritionist support

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I know if I am eligible ?

Patients must meet specific criteria before they will be considered for an evaluation with the Kiran Weight Loss, Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery program.

  • Have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of greater than 40, or a BMI of >35 accompanied by other issues related to health (co-morbidities). These co-morbidities include diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, obstructive sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol, triglycerides, etc), metabolic syndrome, polycystic ovarian disease, etc.
  • Be mobile, medically stable, and have an actively involved and supportive primary care physician.
  • Have a stable psychological status with adequate social support system to help them through the course of surgery and the postoperative period.
  • For Asian population , BMI limits are lowered due to differences in ethnicity, genetic differences and central obesity prevalence.

How long will I stay in the hospital after bariatric surgery ?

All surgeries are performed at the Kiran Super Multispecialty Hospital, Surat The average surgical time for gastric bypass is about 2 hours and sleeve gastrectomy is about 1-2 hours. The laparoscopy totally changed bariatric surgery. Almost all our patients can walk a few hours after surgery. They start to have liquids the day after surgery. The majority (more than 95%) of patients only stay in the hospital for two night or three days following surgery.

When I can go back to work after surgery ?

Most patients have some pain after surgery. However, the pain is usually just a little bit more than laparoscopic gallbladder surgery. Most patients just need to take oral pain medications for a few days after surgery. The majority of our patients felt that pain was not a major issue during their recovery.

As soon as patients totally wake up from anesthesia, we encourage patients to walk. The key is to start slow and listen to your body. If you lift weights or do sports, stay “low impact” for the first month (avoid competition, think participation). If you experience pain or discomfort, stop and relax. Avoid lifting heavy objects for the first 6 weeks. If you swim, your wounds need to be healed over before you get back in the water and always swim slowly at the beginning.

Do I have to wait to get pregnant after bariatric surgery ? will the baby be healthy ?

Women generally have significantly increased fertility after weight loss surgery. Birth control pills do NOT work as well in heavy patients and during the time of rapid weight loss. We strongly recommend all child bearing age women to use other ways of contraception after bariatric surgery.

Most surgeons recommend waiting 12-18 months after weight loss surgery before getting pregnant. After losing most of the excess weight, there is much less risk of having problems during pregnancy (gestational diabetes, eclampsia, macrosomia) and during childbirth. There is also decreased risk of having miscarriages and stillbirths. The kids born after mom’s bariatric surgery are less prone to being obese later in their life. Bariatric surgery also reduces the chance of needing a C-section.

Will bariatric surgery last ?

Many patients (up to 50%) may regain a small amount of weight (approximately 5 percent) two years or more following their surgery. However, longitudinal studies find that most bariatric surgery patients maintain successful weight-loss long-term.

One study summarizing the results from 22 reports with a total of 4206 patient cases reported good long-term durability of gastric bypass surgery. The average excess weight loss was 66.5%, and there was no significant association between excess weight loss and length of follow-up. Now we have data to support the durability of gastric bypass surgery up to 15 years. Studies also have shown that sleeve gastrectomy patients were able to maintain its well-documented weight loss outcome at 5 or more years after surgery, with the overall mean excess weight loss at 5 or more years still remaining>50%. Such significant and sustained weight loss after surgery is in sharp contrast to medical management.

Do most patient need to have plastic surgery after weight loss ?

After losing most of the excess weight, most patients may have some loose or sagging skin. For many patients, this might be just temporary. The degree of loose or sagging skin depends upon several things, including how much weight you lose, your age, your genetics and whether or not you exercise or smoke. Generally, many patients can hide loose skin by clothing or compression garments.

We generally recommend wait for at least 18 months before having plastic surgery. Plastic surgery to remove excess abdominal and breast skin is often covered by insurance because it

may cause rash. You may have to pay yourself for the areas such as arms because it is considered cosmetic by your insurer.

Will I lost hair after bariatric surgery ?

For the reasons we still don’t fully understand, hair loss after bariatric surgery is common between 3 and 6 months following surgery. However, hair loss is almost always temporary. Adequate intake of protein, vitamins, biotin and minerals will help to ensure hair re-growth, and avoid longer term thinning.

Do I need to tack vitamins and minerals after surgery ?

You will need to take a multivitamin for life. You may need higher doses of certain vitamins or minerals, especially Iron, Calcium, and Vitamin D. You will also need to have at least yearly lab checks.

Types Of Bariatric Surgery

  1. Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy ( VSG ) 
  2. Mini Gastric Bypass ( MGB – OAGB )
  3. Roux en Y gastric bypass ( RYGB )
  • Each bariatric procedure offers unique benefits and risks. Patient age, health status and preferences factor into decisions about which procedure is appropriate.
  • Bariatric surgical procedures cause weight loss by restricting the amount of food the stomach can hold, causing malabsorption of nutrients, or by a combination of both gastric restriction and malabsorption. Bariatric surgeries also often cause hormonal changes.
  • Most weight loss surgeries today are performed using minimally invasive techniques (Laparoscopic surgery) or Key Hole Surgeries.
  • Each surgery has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Our Visionary Leaders

Our Doctors

Dr. Dharmesh S. Dhanani




Consultant - Gastrosurgeon, Bariatric & Laparoscopic

Dr. Chintan B. Patel




Consultant - Bariatric, Laparoscopic & General Surgeon

Dr. Ruchir Jhaveri




Associate Consultant

Dr. Vikash Tiwari




Associate Consultant