Blood Centre

Department of Blood Bank

There is a always a significant, ongoing need for blood and blood products.

Because there is no substitute for human blood, the generosity of blood donors helps to ensure that we maintain an adequate supply for our patients. Giving just one pint of your blood can help save the lives of three patients, and the entire process of blood donation only takes about an hour.

The donation process is simple. You may be eligible to donate blood if you:

  • Are 18 – 60 years old
  • Weigh at least 45 kgs
  • Are in good health
  • Donations of whole blood and platelets are needed every day — red blood cells can be stored for 42 days and platelets for 5 days.

Latest techniques are used for immune-hematological testing, for blood compatibility and for diagnosis. The department is committed to ensure availability of safe blood. We supply best quality blood and components, prepared from unremunerated donors, screened by appropriate methods and stored and transported at right temperature. We also maintain a quality system which is compliant of all existing statutory provisions of the Drugs and cosmetic act 1940 and amendments, other directives from Drug Controller General of India, National Blood Policy, NACO guidelines on HIV screening and NABH guidelines. Blood is carefully screened for transfusion transmitted infections (HBsAg, HCV, HIV I& II- using CMIA technology along with RPR and malarial antigen testing) . Stringent quality control practices include testing of a defined number of units of each product for the appropriate parameters. The facility is licensed by Drug controller General India.     
The department has adopted Leukoreduction technology (Opti) to provide Leukoreduced Red Cells.

Red cell grouping, antibody screening, antihuman globulin test & cross match are being done routinely using latest technique of gel technology. We have facility for advanced tests (Identification of antigen, antibody & rare blood groups)

The Department provides round the clock service including platelet apheresis and peripheral stem cell harvesting.

Health benefits of donating blood

Reduces chances of heart attack : 

It has been observed that increase in blood iron level increases the chance of heart disease. Iron is involved in the oxidation of cholesterol and this process is believed to be detrimental for the arteries. Increases blood iron level favors this process of cholesterol oxidation and thus leads to heart disease. Regular blood donation helps in loosing iron on regular basis. It helps in reducing the chance of heart attack to one third.

Enhance the production of new Red Blood cells : 

As the blood is withdrawn from the donors body there is decrease in blood cells. To replenish it, immediately new cells are produced by marrow and this way blood gets refreshed. Therefore donating blood helps in stimulating generation of new blood cells.

Apart from all these benefits a donor gets a mini blood test done before donating blood. This includes Hematocrit i.e. Hb level test, Blood pressure is measured, body weight is checked. After this blood is collected it tested for 5 major diseases. Those are Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV, Syphilis and malaria. Donor is informed if any of these test found to be positive.

Specialized services

Blood component : 

Thanks to advances in medical technology, blood can be separated into its different components. Hence, one unit is used to prepare red blood cells, platelet concentrate and plasma each of which can be given to three different patients and therefore one unit of blood when separated into component can save 3 lives.

What is blood component therapy?

Various reason as quoted by WHO are : 

  • The recipient can be treated with only those blood components that are lacking, reducing the occurrence of adverse transfusion reactions
  • More than one patient can be treated with blood components derived from one donation;
  • Therapeutic support for patients with special transfusion requirements can be provided, for example, plasma that often is not directly needed for transfusion can be used manufacturing of Factor VIII concentrate for Haemophilia A patients
  • Improved quality and functional capacity of each component when varied storage conditions and shelf lives were applied.
  • It has also been observed that infants treated with reconstituted blood (mixture of separated blood components) instead of whole blood recover faster.

Our Visionary Leaders

Our Doctors

Dr. Krishna Mayani



