De Addiction Clinic


  • Drug Rehabilitation is a term for the processes of medical or psychotherapeutic treatment, for dependency on psychoactive substances such as alcohol, prescription drugs, and street drugs such as cocaine.
  • The general intent is to enable the patient to cease substance abuse, in order to avoid the psychological, legal, financial, social, and physical consequences that can be caused, especially by extreme abuse.

Commonly used psychotropic substance

  • Alcohol
  • Opioids
  • Cannabis
  • Cocaine
  • Amphetamines and Other Sympathomimetics
  • Hallucinogens for example, phencyclidine
  • Sedatives and Hypnotics, for Example, barbiturates
  • Inhalants, for example, volatile solvents
  • Nicotine

Types Of Treatment

  • Various types of programs offer help in drug rehabilitation
  • Some Rehab Centres offer Age- and gender - specific programs
  • The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) recommends detoxification followed by both medication and behavioral therapy, followed by relapse prevention.

Prevention of Substance use disorder

1. Primary Prevention

  • Reduction of over prescribing by doctors identification and treatment of family members who may be contributing to the drug abuse.
  • Introduction of social changes is likely to affect drinking patterns in the population as a whole. This is made possible by:
  1. Putting up the price of alcohol and alcoholic beverages
  2. Controlling or abolishing the adertising of alcoholic drinks.
  3. Restricting availability
  • Strengthen the indicidual’s personal and social skills to increase self - esteem and resistance to peer pressure.
  • Health education to college Students and the youth.

2. Secondary Prevention

  • Early detection and counselling
  • Brief intervention in primary care
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • A full assessment including as appraisal of current medical, psychological and social problems
  • Detoxification With benzothiazines (diazepam)

3. Tertiary Prevention

  • Alcohol deterrent theraphy (Disulfiram)
  • Other therapies include assertiveness training, teaching copying skills, behaviour counselling, supportive psychotherapy
  • Agencies concerned with alcohol - related problems


  1. Behavioural Therapy
  • Cognitive - behavioural therapy
  • Cognitive therapy of substance abuse
  1. Pharmacotherapies
  2. Counselling
  3. Rehabilitation

Our Visionary Leaders

Our Doctors

Dr. Anuj M. Khandelwal




Consultant - Psychiatrist & Psychotherapist